Complete Guide to Integrating Flutterwave with Laravel for Online Payments

To integrate Flutterwave into a Laravel application, you can follow these steps:

Install the Flutterwave package for Laravel using Composer by running the following command in your terminal:

 composer require flutterwave/flutterwave-php

Register for a Flutterwave account and obtain your API keys (a public key and a secret key) from the dashboard. In your Laravel project, create a new Flutterwave configuration file by running the following command in your terminal:

 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Flutterwave\FlutterwaveServiceProvider"

   In the config/flutterwave.php configuration file, add your API keys and any other settings you want to customize.

In your Laravel application, you can now use the Flutterwave package to integrate with the Flutterwave API. For example, to create a new payment request, you can use the Flutterwave::createPayment() method, passing in the required parameters for the payment.

Here is an example of how this might look in your code:

 use Flutterwave; 
// Set up the payment parameters 
$params = [ 
 'amount' => 100, 
 'currency' => 'NGN', 
 'redirect_url' => '', 

// Create the payment 
$payment = Flutterwave::createPayment($params);

  For more detailed instructions and examples, you can refer to the Flutterwave documentation.

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