Upwork WordPress Test 2019

1. Which of the following is not a default user role in WordPress?
Answer: Blogger

2. What are WordPress hooks?
Answer: Group of plugins which control WordPress behavior

3. Which constant is NOT recognized in wp-config.php?

4. Which of the following HTML tags are not allowed to be used in post comment?

  • form
  • img
  • table
5. Which of the following is not a default image size in WP?
Answers: Small Size
6. What does WordPress use to control user access to different features?
Answer: Role
7. Which WordPress system can be used to temporarily store information?
Answer: Transients
8. _____ is the ability for readers to respond to articles written in your blog?
Answer: Comment posting

9A WordPress _____ is a collection of files that work together to produce a graphical interface with an underlying unifying design for a weblog.
Answers: theme

10. What is a permalink?
Answers: Permalinks are the permanent URL to your individual weblog posts, as well as category and other lists of weblog posting.
11. Themes typically reside in the _____
Answer: wp-content/theme
12. Where are plugin options stored in WordPress?
Answer: They are stored in the WordPress plugin folder.
13. Select all the default taxonomies in WordPress.
Note: There may be more than one right answer.
  • Category
  • post_format
  • link_category
  • post_tag
  • post_category
14. What is difference between the wp_title() and the_title() tags?
Answer: wp_title() function is for use outside “The Loop ” to display the title of a page. the_title() on the other hand is used within “The Loop”.
    15. What can a Contributor role do?
    Answer: Edit posts
16. How do you enable the debug mode in WordPress?
Answer: By setting WP_DEBAUG as true in wp-config.php
17. In a manual installation, wp-config-sample.php should be removed to ……
18.  What database does WordPress use?
Answer: MySQL
19.  Which option allows you to style each list item background or WordPress navigation separately?

nav li:nth-child(1).current-menu-item {background-color: red;}
nav li:nth-child(2).current-menu-item {background-color: blue;}
nav li:nth-child(3).current-menu-item {background-color: green;}
20. A/An _____ is a globally recognized avatar.
Answer: gravatar

21. Which one of the following files is located in the root of your WordPress installation directory and contains your website’s setup details, such as database connection information.
Answer: wp-config.php
22. Where can you change the Timezone used by WordPress in the dashboard?
Answer: In->setting->General
23. …… make it possible for a person to have one avatar across the entire web.
Answer: Gravatars
24. Which of the following is not a WordPress role?
Answer: System
25. What is the default table prefix in WP?
Answer: wp_
26. Which of the following is the correct way to register shortcode?
Answer: function foobar_func ($atts){return “foo and bar”;}add_shortcode( ‘foobar’, ‘foobar_func’ );
27. What is the default site update service that WordPress automatically notifies when you publish a new post?
Answer: http://rpc.pingomatic.com
28. How do you enable the Network setup item (enable multisite) in WordPress?Answer: Set WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE as true in wp-config.php
29. Is it possible to programmatically create post?
Answer: Yes with wp_insert_post() function
30. Which of the following post type are by default available in WordPress installation. (choose all that apply)
Note: There may be more than one right answer.
  • Post
  • Page
31. What are common features of the following function: next_post, previous_post, link_pages, the_author_url, wp_get_link?
Answer: They all return URLs

32. What does the wp_rand() function do?
Answer: Generates a random number 
33. Pick the default template tag(s)?
Note: There may be more than one right answer.
  • wp_title()
  • the_title()
34. _____ as condensed summaries of your blog post
Answer: excerpts
35. WordPress uses a _____ in conjunction with the mod_rewrite Apache module to produce permalinks.
Answer: an .htaccess file
36. A theme _____ acts like a plugin and, if present in your theme, is automatically loaded during WordPress initialization.
Answer: Function File
37. Which of the following is true about wp_mail() function? (Choose all that apply)
Note: There may be more than one right answer.
  • The default content type allows using html
  • The function can handle only one email as $to the parameter
38. A minimal Theme consist of what two files.
Answer: style.css and index.php

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